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To all members of TJC 公然毀謗 法律追訴

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The IA has repeatedly used false documents to deceive all the churches and has demanded that all churches openly participate in the IA’s blatant slandering of the reputation of Preacher YM Yang.

In view of this, if any brothers and sisters should come across any documents relevant to the above matter posted on the notice boards of any churches, could they please take photographic evidence of this. If they should hear announcements relevant to the above matter being made openly in the chapel, could they please make an audio recording of this. Could you then send your photos and audio recordings, indicating their source, to philo061986@hotmail.com for the purposes of future legal action. Thank You. Peace be with you.







然後請將相片和錄音標明出處寄到 philo061986@hotmail.com  以便日後法律追訴。



In my opinion, openly telling people that YM is no longer a pastor of the TJC is not really a slander because the exact same thing was written on letter IAG-12-023. The fact that TJC Paris officially appointed YM to be their pastor and TJC IA is still repeating their statement on IAG-12-023 just tells me that TJC IA does not respect TJC Paris' decision and perhaps even denied TJC Paris to be a TJC.

I don't know if TJC Paris is officially registered with the government and if so, then YM may have a case should anyone continue to openly claim that YM is not a pastor of the TJC, which would be a false allegation provided the French goverment accepts YM to be a pastor of TJC Paris.