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Is TJC part of the Oneness Pentecostalism or being infiltrated?

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I don’t believe I have heard any declaration that our church is part of the Pentecostalism even though TJC was born during the time of the movement. Does anyone know otherwise? Is TJC part of Oneness Pentecostalism? Why is TJC doctrine similar to the Oneness Pentecostalism (highlighted in RED)? Or is it that some Oneness Pentecostalism believer had infiltrated TJC?



In most other ways, the beliefs and worship of Oneness Pentecostals are similar to those of other Pentecostals. However, some congregations tend to emphasize strict "holiness standards" in dress, grooming and other areas of personal conduct—which may not be shared by other Oneness Pentecostal groups. Oneness soteriology is represented by two distinct traditions. The "PCI tradition", as it is referred to, holds to a more reformed view of salvation and is similar to that of most other Evangelical denominations, and is considered to be the view held by many of the founders of the movement. While the "PAJC tradition" differs greatly and is held mainly by the United Pentecostal Church International, a large denominational body within Oneness Pentecostalism. This view defines salvation as repentance, baptism (in Jesus' name) and receipt of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

According to Barnabas Zhang's own missionary journal, he did NOT come from another church like Ling Shen Zhang or Paul Wei did. We can deduce that Ling Shen Zhang and Paul Wei's teachings most likely were influenced by their 'mother churches' but what Barnabas Zhang received came directly from God. God's choosing of Barnabas Zhang was similar to how God chose the patriachs such as Noah and Abraham. If you research into Barnabas Zhang's background and believe how God started True Jesus Church through him in 1912, you will be humbled by what you come to know.



编号:1384| 添加时间:05-06-08 07:38:34 | 浏览量:5135



1906年4月份,在美国加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶市,一个黑人小教会 ——在草舍下聚会,立志迫切祷告十天,求圣灵充满以奋兴普世教会。在4月9日晚祷中果然圣灵沛然大降,之后大显神迹,使聚会人数不断增加,以致草舍容不下……不久这消息传向世界各地,各国的传道人前往查经,受了圣灵,回去大力宣传,使全球掀起了五旬节运动的热潮。




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from the 1000 page study of the tjc history, it indicated that Barnabas Missionay Journey was written in 1929, in preparation to proof that he is the "orignal founding person" of TJC. I think it may not be totally true. He did came from another church. (see page 143)



TJC has the grassroots to Pentecostalism.

Our early worker, Wei Enbo 魏恩波 also known as 魏保羅 Wei Baoluo, Wei Paul has affiliation traced back to Pentecostal revival at Azusa
Street, Los Angeles.
TJC uniqueness differ from mainstream Pentecostal are baptism of Holy Spirit and water baptism face-down.

If you can read Mandarin, please find and read the original dairies or texts. Maybe in this www.tjc.org.cn.

1. 聖靈真見證書【上】【下】(The true testimony of the Holy Spirit) (True Jesus Church, date of publication unclear)

2. 真耶穌教會創立三十週年紀念專刊 (Commemorative volume on the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the True Jesus Church), ed. Wei Issac (True Jesus Church, Nanjing, 1947)

3.真耶稣教会历史史迹考 (The history of the True Jesus Church)
(Self-published, 2006)

I found this thesis while looking for something else. If you have time please read pages 50 to 117 of the formation of TJC. This is a thesis Miraculous Mundane: The True Jesus Church and Chinese Christianity in the Twentieth Century by Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye. Thesis ishttps://skydrive.live.com/?cid=162829962e318147&id=162829962E318147!1544...

miraculous Mundane - TJC Church in 20th Century - Melissa Ino

魏保羅在聖靈真見證冊說, 他查考安息日會的道理. 這並不否認主神親自指示他某些重要道理. 他也曾經用白開水與饅頭當作聖餐, 但這並不會影響得救真道. 知錯改了就好.