活泉甘霖的帳戶下來了! 詳情請點擊這裡


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Please click here to view my testimony 請點擊這裡看我的見證 (抱歉,沒有中文版):

If anyone can prove that my accusations against the GA/IA in my testimony are false, I am willing to be jailed for slandering and wil immediately shut down this website! 如果有人可以證明我的見證裡有任何本人對總會的不實指控,本人願意因毀謗罪坐牢並馬上把此網站關掉!

Daniel Wu, 和不流版主

As mentioned in my testimony, there were another two IA official letters (IAG-12-030 and 12-033) where the IA lied about emailing the letters to all of the stated recipients. The actual letters can be found in Br Michael Young's testimony: http://www.sharingbiblewords.com/ymyang/cms/?q=node/1380 (English) http://www.sharingbiblewords.com/ymyang/cms/?q=node/1311 (Chinese) It is possible that none of the IA EXCO members actually received the two letters or possibly only a few individuals who helped the chairman write the letters received them. So why did such problem keep occuring? Were they just pure negligences or were they done on purpose to fulfil personal agenda? Daniel ----------- 我是和不流版主。我的言論決不受他人影響,有時也不同于此網站裡意見的主流。我不屬任何人,只屬基督; 我如果屬楊昱民,就不會在此網站裡發表過與他不同甚至反對的言論




